84 postures to boost physical and mental prowess, strength, and flexibility, yet enjoyable.

This advanced program comprises a Beginner Class consisting of 26 yoga postures, as well as pranayama, and an additional 58 challenging yoga poses. The sequence incorporates both the Sun and Moon salutations, the Awkward Pose series, a variety of standing postures, followed by supine and prone yoga poses designed to both extend and compress the spine. Several of these poses involve deep backbends.

The sequence unfolds with grace and purpose, incorporating the rejuvenating Salutation to the Sun and the contemplative Salutation to the Moon. These sequences serve as a gateway to the Awkward Pose series, offering a unique blend of strength and balance. Furthermore, you'll encounter a variety of standing poses, each demanding its own set of skills and strengths. Following these standing poses, you'll transition to supine and prone yoga postures, meticulously curated to both extend and compress the spine, promoting flexibility and resilience.

Among these yoga postures, you'll find deep backbends, which not only challenge your physical prowess but also encourage an exploration of your inner self. The flow presented here is known for its unique and profound impact on the abdomen, hips, arms, and back, pushing the boundaries of your physical and mental endurance. It is in this crucible of physical challenge that your body and mind find their potential, laying the foundation for a deeper exploration of pranayama and meditation.

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