It's a fantastic way to build your physical and mental attributes.

Experience the essence of the original hot yoga 62+2 practice in a condensed yet exhilarating 1-hour sequence. This class offers a unique blend of tradition and innovation, where we uphold the tradition of performing most poses twice, while also introducing some creative variations and combinations. It's the perfect choice for those who want the benefits of a comprehensive yoga practice but have limited time in their busy schedules.

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a newcomer to the practice, this class is designed to cater to all students. It's a fantastic way to build your physical and mental attributes, including strength, flexibility, focus, and self-discipline. The heated environment adds an extra layer of challenge, helping you to deepen your stretches, detoxify your body, and release tension.

In this condensed hot yoga class, you'll find an ideal balance between the demands of your daily life and the desire to maintain a consistent yoga practice. Come join us, break a sweat, and leave feeling invigorated, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle whatever the day has in store for you.

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