84 postures to boost physical and mental prowess, strength, and flexibility, yet enjoyable.

This class draws inspiration from Mary Jarvis' groundbreaking and transformative practice. The series serves as a valuable complement to any Hatha Yoga routine. It encompasses specific yoga postures and body techniques, collectively forming a comprehensive Yoga Conditioning Series. Importantly, this class is inclusive and suitable for practitioners of all levels. It's an extraordinary series designed to enhance your physical well-being.

This class draws inspiration from Mary Jarvis' groundbreaking and transformative practice. The series serves as a valuable complement to any Hatha Yoga routine. It encompasses specific yoga postures and body techniques, collectively forming a comprehensive Yoga Conditioning Series. Importantly, this class is inclusive and suitable for practitioners of all levels. It's an extraordinary series designed to enhance your physical well-being.

The focused Body Skills exercises within this series are intended to boost your Strength, Flexibility, and Stamina. As you consistently engage in these practices, you'll witness a remarkable transformation in your entire body. This not only leads to improvements in your yoga practice but also has the potential to instigate positive changes in both your physical and mental well-being.

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